DEMO presentation

Customer Satisfaction

Dear Partner,

Thank you very much for taking your time to fill our satisfaction survey! The goal of this questionnaire is to get a clear view about how our products and presentations are seen in order to increase the value they bring. Please feel free to add any suggestions or comments that help us achieve these goals.

Not at all Likely Extremely Likely
5 - Totally accurate4 - Accurate3 - Neutral2 - Not accurate1 - Not accurate at allNot relevant / no opinion
was in line with my (team's) expectations
5 - Totally accurate
4 - Accurate
3 - Neutral
2 - Not accurate
1 - Not accurate at all
Not relevant / no opinion
brought exactly the information I needed
5 - Totally accurate
4 - Accurate
3 - Neutral
2 - Not accurate
1 - Not accurate at all
Not relevant / no opinion
could be easily followed and understood
5 - Totally accurate
4 - Accurate
3 - Neutral
2 - Not accurate
1 - Not accurate at all
Not relevant / no opinion
was done by prepared and professional colleagues
5 - Totally accurate
4 - Accurate
3 - Neutral
2 - Not accurate
1 - Not accurate at all
Not relevant / no opinion
5 - Totally agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Not agree1 - Not agree at allNot relevant / no opinion
has user-friendly and modern design
5 - Totally agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Not agree
1 - Not agree at all
Not relevant / no opinion
covers our business needs
5 - Totally agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Not agree
1 - Not agree at all
Not relevant / no opinion
5 - Very likely4 - Likely3 - Neutral2 - Not likely1 - Not at all likelyNot relevant / no opinion
5 - Very likely
4 - Likely
3 - Neutral
2 - Not likely
1 - Not at all likely
Not relevant / no opinion