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Real Estate

The Real Estate Valuator System is a comprehensive solution that caters to the complete evaluation process of various types of real estate, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties, as well as movables. It offers a seamless blend of manual and automatic procedures to ensure accurate and efficient valuation for clients across all sectors.

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Product Details

The Real Estate Valuator System seamlessly integrates with Loan Origination and Collateral Management systems, resulting in a comprehensive and versatile solution. By leveraging this integration, users can benefit from a wide array of features and functionalities. The system empowers users with essential tools to attain precise results and establish reliable benchmarks.

Furthermore, the Real Estate Valuator System is integrated with Google Maps, enhancing its capabilities and providing access to geospatial data

This integration allows users to leverage location-based information and optimize their valuation processes.

With this system, calculations can be initiated and finalized from the convenience of the office, free from geographical limitations. It enables users to generate and sign documents effortlessly, while facilitating the processing of ongoing requests and valuations from any location. This flexibility ensures a seamless workflow regardless of physical boundaries.

The Valuator System is a technologically crafted innovative tool, based on our modern, low-code microservices platform.



10+ built-in workflows,
5 different valuation methodologies

risk management

Appraisal management from selection to invoicing


Customizable PDF Valuation reports for every sector


KPI reporting for better management decisions

Tablet support

Tablet support for on-site inspections


Easy and efficient methodology follow-up

End-to-End support of
the whole Valuation process


  • 10+ types of Workflow support
  • 70+ Real estate types
  • Tablet support for initiating
    request from anywhere


  • Proven, competency based
    allocation algorithm
  • 20+ inputs for allocation of requests
  • Built-In tender module
  • Improved workflow for
    request management


  • Full Tablet Support for inspections
  • Generate inspection documents on site
  • Improved and fast photo uploading
    and grouping
  • Start on site, finish at your office

Indicative calculations

  • 5+ types of methodology support
  • Customizable calculation templates
  • Google Maps integration


  • Efficient workflows, based
    on best practices
  • Resolution Application
  • Obstacle management
  • SLA monitoring

Document management

  • Compact and concise PDF reports
  • Report generation in 3 different
    data layers
  • Paperless Valuation processes

Administration and reporting

  • Automatic and manual
    revaluation processes
  • Monitoring workflows
  • Desktop and on-site revaluations
  • Bulk revaluation request management
    ( 20+ parameters )

Fully covered
valuation process

The ApPello Valuator System effectively manages various aspects of valuation requests, including order placement, the valuation process itself, and the generation of comprehensive valuation reports. This system empowers users to create customized workflows tailored to specific product types, client segments, or risk levels, ensuring compliance with formal and professional standards.

Within the system, users can utilize different workflow types to accommodate various scenarios, such as first valuations, inspections, request order flows, opinion requests, verification of valuation reports, valuation report supervision, bulk revaluation, and invoice handling. These flexible workflow options cater to the diverse needs of valuation processes.

To streamline operations, the solution incorporates a built-in rule engine that automatically assigns tasks to the respective unit or valuator company. This intelligent assignment system ensures efficient task distribution and optimal resource utilization.

Moreover, the ApPello Valuator System diligently monitors all valuation processes, tracking through-put time and available capacity to maintain control over service level agreements (SLAs). This monitoring capability allows users to effectively measure performance, ensure timely completion of valuations, and manage workloads efficiently.

Multy Calculation

Multiple calculations
for accurate results

The solution follows best practices by offering a range of valuation methods to cater to diverse real estate types. These valuation methods include market value comparison, income approach (including simplified income approach), DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) method, and the cost-based approach. By providing a comprehensive set of valuation techniques, the system ensures accuracy and flexibility in assessing real estate properties.

To support complex calculation grids, the evaluator includes a user-friendly parameter management feature. This feature enables users to easily define and maintain business rules for calculations, empowering them to customize the valuation process according to specific requirements. By allowing users to configure parameters and rules, the system ensures precision and consistency in valuation outcomes while accommodating unique business needs.

With these capabilities, users can confidently perform valuations using different methods, leverage parameter management for complex calculations, and maintain full control over the business rules governing the valuation process.

Valuators management

Management of valuators &
External companies

The Valuator System provides a comprehensive solution for managing both internal and external valuators. It enables users to register and track the details of valuators, including their eligibility criteria, authorizations, and competencies.

One of the key features of the system is its ability to filter and prioritize valuation orders based on predefined criteria. This functionality helps streamline the relationship with external suppliers by ensuring that orders are allocated to the most suitable valuator. The system also allows for defining competencies and calculating quality scores, which further contribute to the efficient allocation process.

Power users have the flexibility to add holidays and define different competencies based on specific areas for each appraiser. This ensures that valuations are assigned to the most qualified valuator, resulting in precise and accurate orders.

To maintain quality standards, the system rates every valuation report and valuator. In cases where non-performing valuators are identified, the system utilizes blacklists and greylists to effectively manage their performance. This helps maintain high-quality standards and ensures reliable and consistent valuation services.

Additionally, the Valuator System supports the entire invoicing process, including features for invoice correction and storno (cancellation). This comprehensive invoicing support streamlines financial transactions and contributes to efficient financial management within the valuation process.


Google Maps

The Valuator System provides a comprehensive solution for managing both internal and external valuators. It enables users to register and track the details of valuators, including their eligibility criteria, authorizations, and competencies.

One of the key features of the system is its ability to filter and prioritize valuation orders based on predefined criteria. This functionality helps streamline the relationship with external suppliers by ensuring that orders are allocated to the most suitable valuator. The system also allows for defining competencies and calculating quality scores, which further contribute to the efficient allocation process.

Power users have the flexibility to add holidays and define different competencies based on specific areas for each appraiser. This ensures that valuations are assigned to the most qualified valuator, resulting in precise and accurate orders.

To maintain quality standards, the system rates every valuation report and valuator. In cases where non-performing valuators are identified, the system utilizes blacklists and greylists to effectively manage their performance. This helps maintain high-quality standards and ensures reliable and consistent valuation services.

Additionally, the Valuator System supports the entire invoicing process, including features for invoice correction and storno (cancellation). This comprehensive invoicing support streamlines financial transactions and contributes to efficient financial management within the valuation process.

Administration and reporting

Administration & reporting
made easy

The SLA measurement system within the Valuator platform empowers power users to generate ad-hoc reports at any time. These reports provide valuable insights, such as resource utilization for each task, and can include additional charts and summary pages for enhanced analysis. This flexibility enables users to monitor and optimize their processes effectively.

Additionally, the platform allows users to upload and associate documents with major business objects, such as requests, real estate properties, and the valuation process itself. This feature facilitates seamless document management and ensures easy access to relevant information. The document preview component further enhances the user experience by enabling quick access to property photos and visual assets.

In terms of notifications, the Digital Lending Platform offers a sophisticated editor that allows users to create and maintain dynamic templates for push notifications, SMS messages, and emails. This feature ensures effective communication with stakeholders throughout the valuation process, keeping them informed and engaged.

To support reporting needs, the platform provides the capability to export any lists within the application. This functionality enhances the reporting process by allowing users to extract data and analyze it using external tools or platforms. The platform also offers a range of useful graphical charts and pre-defined reports that can be accessed with just one click, facilitating data visualization and providing quick access to key insights.

Overall, the Valuator platform provides robust features for reporting, document management, notifications, and data export, enabling users to enhance their productivity, collaboration, and decision-making capabilities.




To cater to on-site requirements, the ApPello Valuator system ensures compatibility with various devices, empowering customers to choose the device that best suits their needs. Whether it’s a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, the system delivers a seamless user experience and consistent services across all channels. This flexibility allows users to conveniently perform valuation tasks while being mobile and agile in their operations.

Furthermore, the application offers valuable analysis features that provide insights into average, maximum, and minimum real estate prices within specific areas based on location details. This functionality enables users to gain a comprehensive understanding of pricing trends and patterns, aiding them in making informed decisions during the valuation process.

Additionally, the system allows for the reuse of information from previous processes as comparables for new valuation reports. This feature eliminates the need for redundant data entry and enhances efficiency by leveraging existing data to generate accurate and comprehensive valuation reports. By leveraging historical information, users can ensure consistency and reliability in their valuation practices.

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