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Whether you’re a budding lender or an established loan provider, ApPello’s Digital Loan Management system offers an efficient toolkit to cater to clients of all sizes, from individual retail customers to large corporate entities.

With our system, expanding your product portfolio has never been simpler. Easily configure new products, conduct required tests, and experience the advantages of launching offerings within days. This innovative, adaptable, and integrated suite of tools equips your organization to tackle present and future challenges in the banking industry.

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ApPello’s Digital Solutions provide lenders the possibility of digitizing and automating the whole loan lifecycle from origination to collection. As part of this product family, Loan Management System encompasses credit product administration, seamless fee handling, streamlined document generation, and seamless integration with ApPello’s Digital Solution modules of your need, just as Loan Origination, Decision Engine, Collateral Management and Collection System or Core Banking modules, ensuring an unparalleled level of efficiency and simplicity for your lending business.
This comprehensive system running on ApPello’s low-code digital platform empowers advanced users to effortlessly define and manage workflows, configure business rules, customize screens, and modify page layouts according to their needs, granting flexibility in an ever-changing business environment.

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Product Details

ApPello’s Digital Loan Management revolutionizes the bank’s loan account maintenance processes, automating everything from disbursement to loan termination and is equipped to handle a wide range of events and transactions associated with the loan life cycle. It is scalable and easy to configure, this means the system fits all sizes and allows serving all client segments. Our Digital Loan Management Solution is primarily offered as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS),

providing easy accessibility. However, we also provide an on-premises option upon request. The platform is cloud agnostic, supporting native technologies of leading providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, ensuring flexibility and compatibility with your preferred cloud environment.

The Loan Management System is a technologically crafted innovative tool, based on our modern, low-code microservices platform.



Flexible loan management across Retail, SME and Corporate sectors

Appello Collateral

From cash loans through revolving lines to mortgages for retail

Appello fast react

Short time-to-market due to flexible product configuration

Appello Scaleable

Scalable solution to allow growth from small to large client base

Appello Provisioning

Loan management, origination decision engine… within one suite

Appello 360 overview

360 degree overview and monitoring

Reatail Loan Origination

Retail products

ApPello Loan Management System can support:

  • Personal loans
  • Cash loans
  • PoS loans
  • Payday loans
  • Bullet loans
  • Balloon loans
  • Credit lines
  • Revolving loans
  • Mortgages
  • Lombard loans
  • Subsidised loans
Corporate Loan Origination

SME & Corporate products

ApPello Loan Management System can support:

  • Corporate loans
  • Revolving credits
  • Overdrafts
  • Working capital loans
  • Project financing loans
  • Asset backed credit
  • Auto financing credit

Loan Management System

Loan management

ApPello’s Digital Loan Management System revolutionizes the bank’s loan account maintenance processes, automating everything from disbursement to loan termination. With its comprehensive capabilities, the application offers an all-in-one solution for the bank’s administrative tasks, efficiently managing all transactions associated with maintained loans. Designed to support both retail and corporate credit processes, this application seamlessly handles every stage of a loan’s life cycle.

event handling

event handling

The Loan Management System is equipped to handle a wide range of events and transactions associated with the loan lifecycle. It facilitates the creation and validation of loan transactions with a robust four-eyes principle. With automation at its core, the system efficiently manages loan disbursement, early repayments, rescheduling, expiry, and termination. Daily interest and fee calculations, along with seamless fee handling, ensure accurate financial management. The system also generates notifications and enables automatic collection on due dates, promoting operational effectiveness and maximizing efficiency.

Key features of the system include:

Versatile event types: With over 40 event types catered to different use-cases, the system provides flexibility and adaptability.
Flexible installment options: The system supports both regular and ad-hoc installments, allowing for prepared and executed repayments.
Controlled loan lifecycle events: The system enables automatic execution or manual approval of loan lifecycle events, ensuring adherence to the four-eyes principle and maintaining accountability.


product catalogue

product catalogues

The product catalog in our system enables easy identification of products and their properties. Through product definition, you have full control over the parameters associated with each transaction type. You can determine which parameters are fixed and which ones can vary within specific ranges. This level of flexibility allows you to effortlessly set up a tailored product structure. Introducing new products or ideas to the market has never been simpler.

Key features of our product:

Quick product setup: With our intuitive interface, product definition becomes a seamless process, ensuring efficient time-to-market for your offerings.
Flexible parameter control: You have the ability to set fixed or default value conditions for all product features, providing consistency and customization options.
Versatile repayment methods: The system supports various repayment methods, allowing you to cater to different customer preferences and business requirements.
Customizable accounting settings: You can configure accounting settings in accordance with your specific policies, ensuring accurate financial management and compliance.
Detailed field descriptors: All screens within the system are equipped with field descriptors, providing clear and comprehensive information to users, enhancing usability, and reducing errors.

Experience the power of our product catalog and streamline your product management process like never before.

annuity engine

repayment structure

Repayment schedule generation is always a very complex task. The system has built in very flexible repayment structure generation, that incorporates annuity and other type of repayment calculations. The feature is able to :

  • Handle repayment terms and deadlines
  • Support interest and regular fee payments
  • Use interest change dates in the calculation
  • Handle grace period
  • Respect minimum and maximum amount

fee handling

Commission &
Fee handling

In addition to its flexible fee generation capabilities, our system offers the ability to apply fees to any event that occurs throughout the loan lifecycle. The system supports the following features related to fees:

Customizable fee and commission definition: You have the flexibility to define fees and commissions based on product type, transaction type, and client segment. This allows you to tailor the fee structure to meet specific business requirements and client needs.

Multiple fee calculation methods: The system supports various fee calculation methods, including fixed amounts and percentage-based calculations. You can choose the appropriate method or even combine both methods for more complex fee structures. With these powerful fee management features, our system empowers you to efficiently handle fees associated with different events and transactions, ensuring accurate and transparent financial management throughout the loan lifecycle.

documents management


Our system features an advanced template-based tool for generating advice and reports, offering easy customization to meet your specific requirements. The templates for advice, reports, and document generation are available in widely used formats, with advice templates provided in MS Word.

With this tool, you have the flexibility to generate reports using the same template-based approach. Additionally, back-office users can export data in XLS or PDF formats directly from their user interface. The system allows for seamless storage and retrieval of all generated documents. Furthermore, it offers full integration with your main document management tool, ensuring a streamlined document management process.

Experience the convenience and efficiency of our template-based advice and report generation tool, tailored to suit your needs. Customize, export, and manage your documents effortlessly, all within a single comprehensive system.


business amenities


For businesses focused on the corporate segment, our system offers the flexibility to utilize Facilities/Limits, which can be optionally linked to grouped loans. This feature allows you to aggregate outstanding or contracted amounts, providing a comprehensive overview of your corporate lending portfolio.

If you’re interested in offering popular subsidized loans in the retail or SME segments, Appello Digital Loan Management is well-equipped to support you. Our system can accurately calculate, book, and settle subsidized interest separately, ensuring compliance with subsidy programs. Additionally, it can calculate margins based on loans, providing valuable insights into profitability.

We understand the importance of 24/7 operations in today’s business landscape. With our system, you can leverage online lending functionality without any limitations on “Close of Business” hours. This ensures uninterrupted access to lending services and allows your business to cater to customer needs at any time.

Experience the power and versatility of Appello Digital Loan Management, designed to enhance your lending operations across different segments and support round-the-clock accessibility for your customers.



Creating a seamless banking customer experience and enhancing internal operator user experience necessitates an omnichannel approach and toolkit. At Appello, we have meticulously designed our solutions with a focus on mobile devices and various corporate channels. This ensures that our solutions can be effortlessly integrated with any digital interface, making the setup process simple and hassle-free.

With our solutions, you can provide a consistent and user-friendly experience to customers across multiple channels, including mobile devices, web interfaces, and other corporate platforms. This flexibility empowers your organization to adapt to evolving customer preferences and deliver a superior banking experience. Experience the power of our omnichannel mindset and toolset, designed to elevate both customer and operator experiences, while seamlessly integrating with your existing digital interfaces.


E2E process

Digital lending for a
seamless E2E process

ApPello’s Loan Management System seamlessly integrates with various digital lending modules to provide a comprehensive solution. Our Digital Customer Portal, equipped with onboarding functionality, enables efficient acquisition and digital servicing of new customers. The Loan Origination Solution drives the entire process, ensuring a streamlined customer journey. The portal seamlessly connects with the back-end, enabling automatic and seamless data traffic within the same platform.

To minimize credit risk, our Decision Engine and sophisticated Collateral Management system work in harmony, providing effective risk reduction measures. Additionally, our Collection module supports collection-related processes at every stage, ensuring comprehensive support throughout the loan lifecycle.

With ApPello’s integrated suite of solutions, you can enhance customer engagement, optimize loan origination processes, reduce credit risk, and streamline collection activities. Experience the power of our cohesive platform, designed to deliver exceptional results for your lending operations.  

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is an open and unified solution for optimized back-office processes.
The heart of the solution: Current Account maintenance, Saving AccountLoan Account management complemented by ApPello Digital Platform.


is able to cover the whole loan process from the first customer request until the disbursement and also offers a perfect solution for the Retail (including mortgage, unsecured and consumer finance) or non-retail (Corporate and SME) sectors.